WARNING: What you’re about to learn has caused entire villages to be burned to the ground…but is legal (as of now)

How To Crack The “Future Code” To Your Life And Open Your Personal Combination Lock To Wealth, Love, and Purpose!

ALERT: This Knowledge Has Historically Caused Villages to be Razed to the Ground, and Brilliant People to be Locked Away In Insane Asylums…But it’s Recently Been Made Legal, So Be Prepared To Have Your Eyes WIDE OPEN

From: Ric & Liz Thompson Publishers of Cosmic Vibes

Re: How To Crack Open The “Future Code” to Your Life
Dear Brave Soul,

Did you know that there is a secret to discovering your true life’s purpose, PLUS achieving levels of wealth, love, and happiness that few other humans on Earth will ever attain…

But in the past, having this secret knowledge could have you jailed, incarcerated in an insane asylum, or even have your whole village (or town) burned to the ground?

It’s true. And totally understandable. You see…

If most people had easy access to this knowledge, the “powers that be” of the world would not be able to maintain their power!

This is why they keep this kind of ability locked up as much as they can. It’s happened over and over throughout history: the ruling governments have literally found ways to lock up (or kill) ANYONE who has the ability to access these secrets.

BUT…fast forward to today.

For the first time ever…because we live in the “information age” and are protected by international treaties…YOU can access this secret knowledge…and not get put away for life…or have your friends and family harassed or even killed simply because you know it exists.
In this short letter, I’m going to tell you why that little-known secret is the key to letting you “tap in” to your true life’s purpose -
And at the same time, let you access the hidden wealth, fame, and purpose in your life that have all been waiting for you to discover them all this time…

Because once you realize how to open and read YOUR Future Code…

You’ll realize that you’ve been “flying blind” almost your entire life…

And now, you can don the Magic Glasses that allow you to see where you’re meant to go…AND how to get there.

Because the truth about living the life you were meant to have lies in seeing what lies ahead, and going there with no hesitation…

And the key to seeing all that is buried in secrets that, as citizens of a modern society, we are not supposed to be able to see.

But all that changes today. 

Because in this presentation, I am going to show you how a penniless college student “accidentally” accessed a hidden world of knowledge…

That allowed her to go from a “nobody” to an “honored, wealthy, expert in her field” using means that she was reluctant to share with the outside world…

Because they were the very things that had gotten people like her locked away
(or even killed) in years past…

But now, it’s safe to use this secret knowledge. At least, at this time and place in history. So…

Read on and discover what allowed an unknown girl to go from “purposeless and penniless”... 

to “laser-focused, famous, and millionaire status” in the space of a year.

After which, she would then go on to receive high-status commissions and awards from the most respected entities in her field (including being featured on a National Geographic TV show)...all while living in a tiny, rural “backwoods” state! 
Now, I can hear your Inner Critic saying… “But what if this can’t work for me? I don’t have super special talents…or live anywhere special…or have any special connections… ”

Let me tell you now: it doesn’t matter.

No matter who you are now… it doesn’t matter.

No matter what your skills are now…it doesn’t matter.

No matter where you come from…it doesn’t matter.

Because what I’m going to share with you can work for ANY human being on the planet. Starting from ground zero.

As I mentioned, the person you are about to meet lived in a tiny, rural state…but also, she was from a background of complete poverty (she worked on a farm and lived in a tiny cabin with no electricity or running water)...

And she had literally ZERO “connections” to anyone of wealth, influence or status, before all this happened for her.

(Things are quite different now, needless to say ;-)

But here’s the point as all this relates to YOU.

Simply put: what happened for her is how life is meant to work for all of us…only the “Powers that be” have become aware of it and sought to crush it…in years past.

And the best part is, once I show you how to tap in and access this hidden secret to who you are meant to be in this lifetime…
Your Purpose will become crystal clear. 
Your Daily Actions will be laid out ahead of time, without a doubt. 
Money will flow into your life effortlessly. 
And best of all, you will awake each morning, refreshed and excited… 
…to take on whatever lies ahead on your amazing life’s journey…ready to rise to the occasion and revel in the rewards of your newfound power, purpose, and prosperity…absolutely, no holds barred. 

And while I understand that probably SOUNDS too good to be true…

Just wait until I reveal YOUR Personal Secret “Future Code” that has remained hidden from you, until today… 

Because you’ll instantly realize that our governments have tried to suppress knowledge that could help their citizens avoid poverty, servility, and confusion for decades.

(Why?? Well, because they stand to profit more from servility and confusion, than personal empowerment and independent thinking, duh).

You see the truth is, from the moment you were born YOU have had a secret “Future Code” imprinted in you from birth…

And if you can only access this code… you will be forever free of any external force, governmental or otherwise… that tries to hold you back from achieving your full potential. Ever.

And today, because you have stumbled on this hidden webpage, you now have the key to unlocking the enormous potential for Love, Happiness, and Wealth buried inside your very heart…in just a few short minutes from now.
HINT: It actually has to do with the day and time you were born!

Allow me to introduce myself.

Hi, My Name Is Elizabeth Ashbury (AKA “Liza”*) And I Never Thought I’d Be Writing This Letter To You Today…

*Names and some details changed for anonymity, this is a true story.

Here’s why.

Just a few short years ago, I was at the lowest of the low…

Working a job I hated, while struggling to pay off college loans, raise my two small toddlers, and sinking further and further into debt…

All while being an “artist at heart,” knowing that my one True Calling lay in bringing the visions and dreams I had as an artist to the rest of the world…
Everyone said I was a “brilliant artist” and yet…here I was…struggling to make ends meet at $6.50 an hour, in my local coffee shop job…

Contemplating a life of being unknown, misunderstood, and alone…despite my talents that I dreamed would someday take me “above the ordinary path”…

Until, one day, I got an invitation to work with a traditional “Siberian Shaman” …from Detroit (of all places). 

Now, just to be clear: this invitation wasn’t completely out of left field…I’d been studying with a couple of older, US born shamans for the last year of my college career (on a paid apprenticeship)…

But suddenly, out of the blue, came this invitation to study with a “real” Siberian shaman.

Let me paint the picture of who this person was for you: 

She was seven feet tall…wore a wolf’s mask and mantle…and drank almost a 5th of Vodka while leading a Shamanic Journey Into the Beyond… 

BUT. Let me tell you…She was the real deal. 

I was, to be honest, kind of afraid to say yes to the invitation…

But I took a deep breath, and went for it. And boy, am I glad I did!

Because what I learned while studying with her, was the secret to being able to SEE (Or, “descry” as scandinavian traditions put it) the Sacred Vision of my Future Path in life…

In such detail that it was shocking (I’ll give an example in a moment). 

After what happened to me during and after our work together, I could see events that were about to happen so clearly…

That I could literally pick out “signs” that I was on the right path (or the wrong one!) just by keeping my eyes open, and seeing if what I saw around me aligned with what I written down in my Journal of Dreams.

Because of my work with this shaman (and three other Masters over the years) who knew ancient secrets that they had previously been banned from teaching to their students in the past…

I was truly given a “Future Code” that I could use to decode where to go (and what to avoid) as I made my way forward through my life…

And that led me to experience 5 things in the ensuing years: 
  • I discovered my True Purpose in life (and art)
  • ​I “magically” connected with the people who would help my achieve that purpose
  • ​I became the leading expert in my field (worldwide)
  • ​I became a millionaire and lived in my “dream home” with my two kids
  • ​I was honored with 3 separate awards (including being featured on a National Geographic TV Series) for my work
It seemed like, as long as I kept referring back to my Future Code as I’d written it down, things just got more and more amazing as my life progressed.

Oh but hold on a minute. I don’t want to give you a false impression here. It wasn’t all a bed of roses…not by a long shot.

There was a “dark side” to my Dream Visions, that I usually don’t tell people about. Because honestly, it can scare them.

But today, I’m going to tell YOU everything…because you need to know, if you’re truly going to go through with this.

You see, I didn’t just have Visions of the “good” things coming up for me…

I ALSO Had Crystal Clear Visions Of Bad - No Let’s Say Terrifying Things - Coming Up For People. Like…Remember 9/11? Well…I “Saw” It. Weeks before.

I know: for some of us the events of 9/11 (when the World Trade Centers were destroyed) might seem “long ago” now…but for me…

I remember it like it was yesterday. That’s because I saw it all happen, not once…but twice. 

It was during my last year of College…I was studying for exams…when out of the blue, I started having the most vivid, terrifying dreams of my life.

Night after night, I would wake up screaming, in a cold sweat…unable to forget what I’d just seen in my dream…

I tried to forget about it, and just go to school and focus on my work…but I couldn’t. Because I somehow KNEW, in my gut, that what I was seeing in my dreams was not “just a dream” …

But a terrifying vision of the future:

A future which included a big disaster in the US, followed by waves of fear and crackdowns on our Civil Liberties… and… war.

In fact, I was so convinced that the US was going to be at war sometime in the next weeks or months…

 I went to my college professors who had kids of fighting age, and tried to warn them about it. Oops. (Big mistake)...

I also told some of my fellow students about my frightening dreams.

And what was their reaction? 

Well, you can probably guess: Doubt. Disbelief.

No one wanted to believe that we would be at war within the next year. That was impossible, right?

After all, it had been over ten years since the US was involved in any major conflict, on or off our soil. These were modern times! Peace times!

Some people, I could tell, even thought I should go get my head checked out at the local mental “retreat” as they called it (a fancy name for “asylum”)...

And That’s When I Realized: It Was Happening To Me. What My Shamanic Teacher Had Warned Me About…

Remember, in my final year of College, I had just come back from an apprenticeship to this 7 foot tall, Siberian Shaman Lady who wore the head of a wolf while in a trance state…?

She had given me the secret to opening my eyes to Future Visions and being able to see what might happen ahead of time…

And when she saw how excited (“elated” might be the word) I was about my newfound abilities of being able to predict the future in visions and dreams…

She sat me down, looked me in the eye very seriously, and said…

“I’m going to warn you right now. Beware of the gift I have just given you. Do not talk about the Future Codes with anyone.

 Unless you know you can trust them with your life… I’m telling you right now. These secrets were known to MY tribal ancestors, back in the time of the Soviet Union, in the 1930’s…

And the Purges that happened there. It was a time known as the Great Terror, and during this time, all my people - people like you and me - who knew this secret, of how to scry the Future…
All of them, every single one, were taken out in front of their villages, along with their magical drums, shakers, and other instruments they used in their seeing and healing crafts…

And they were killed and their instruments burned in great piles, an inferno meant to cleanse the village of their shamans, but also of any knowledge they held of how to see what their future looked like…

Only a handful escaped with their lives, and one of those was the one who taught me…”

She finished her talk with a final warning that would come back to haunt me: 

“Always remember this, Elizabeth: The ability to see the future will show you both good and bad things…and it will bring out good and bad things in people who know you can do it, too.

Don’t tell anyone. Don’t share that you can do this. And most of all, don’t ever forget those who died or risked their lives to get this knowledge to you.”

And That’s When I Stopped Talking About The Visions I Had…When I Realized They Could Threaten My Life…

I hope you won’t blame me for backing off and clamming up about what I saw in the future at that point…and started keeping my dreams and visions to myself.

After all, even though I wasn’t really in danger of being “burned at the stake” as some of my forebears had…

I saw very clearly how I was on the edge of (at the very least) losing my credibility with my teachers and peers and failing out of school…

Or even, (at the very worst) being locked up in an insane asylum for the rest of my life, being medicated and convinced I was “crazy” just for being able to see what most people couldn’t.

So, I clammed up. Pretended I didn’t have any such abilities.

Even when I went to school one day, and saw the World Trade Towers being hit by 747’s and falling in a cloud of ash and smoke on a classroom TV…

When my heart started pounding like mad, and I thought to myself, “Oh my god…this is IT…this is the thing that sets off the terrible sequence of events I’ve been seeing in my dreams…

“This is the reason we are going to war…”

I STILL didn’t say anything to the teachers and students standing around me, staring up at the TV in disbelief.

Because, even though they would now see that I was right, that my dreams had really and truly been predicting what would happen in the coming weeks and months…

I knew that they still wouldn’t want to admit that I could see the future. 

That thought is simply too strange, too scary to most people. So, I kept quite, even tried to forget about the Visions I could see that no one else could…

…Until The Day I Saw It. The Code To My Entire Future Laid Out Before Me - In A Simple, But Strange Dream:

So, I want you to listen very closely now…because this is the part of knowing how to use The Code that is very, very exciting…and entirely in the positive!

It happened for me one dark night, when I was doubting everything about my existence…

Remember how I said at one point in my life I was working a crappy 6.50 an hour coffee shop job, raising two toddlers alone, and struggling to pay off an enormous college debt?? Well...

On top of all that, I was in a kind of crisis over my whole direction in my career…you see…

My whole life I thought I would be “An Artist” -
I’d been told I had talent (whatever that is) since I was a very little girl, and had been drawing, painting, and sclupting my entire life up to this point…
Heck, I even went to college to study Art (the Shamanism thing was a bit of a sidetrack)...BUT.

Once I graduated, and had my whole “graduation show” of large oil paintings, I was at a loss…

I felt completely empty. Because I realized that NONE of the art I was doing had any spiritual meaning for me - not really.

And studying with Shamans had shown me that the spirit world was incredibly important to me.

So, even though everything looked “great” in my life from the outside, and people were congratulating me on graduating, I was at an all time low…

In my finances, my work, my personal energy, AND my art…it was like I had zero direction, zero inspiration, and zero future to look forward to.

And then, I had The Dream… 

In the dream, I was standing in a giant, darkened auditorium…alone.

All around me, as far as the eye could see, stretched a huge “field” of easels…like the kind you put paintings on…

And on every easel, there was a painting. But it was like no painting I’d ever seen before. 

They were all black, with these weird, white, moving images coming out of their centers…
…and then this voice came out of nowhere, and said:



I woke up in almost the same kind of cold sweat I had, back when I had those prophetic dreams about 9/11 - to tell you the truth, I was scared.

“What kind of art is that?? I don’t even like it!!”


I had learned, through my work with the Siberian Shaman, to trust in visions and messages about the future.

So, I spent 5 years trying to draw and figure out what these “dream paintings” were about. (As you can see above).

I tried creating them in charcoal, paint, and chalk… nothing worked. I was at a loss. I’d almost given up on being an artist at that point…
Until the day I found a book in my small, local library…on how to make images with sound waves! 

I opened it, and stared in shock at what was in its pages.

Inside this book, were the very images I’d seen in my dream…only they were made with sound waves - not paint brushes! Here’s what they looked like:
I pored over the images in the book, and read about how they had been made:

A doctor in Austria had made them in his basement, in secret, after working hours…

He used metal plates, water, and sound waves to make these amazing images of what sound actually looks like!

I felt a chill going up my spine as I remembered the dream I had had 5 years before…

And brought the book home with me, to compare to the drawings I had created in charcoal and chalk…

Trying to re-create the images from my dream.

And here’s what I saw: 

That’s right…

The images on the left are the drawings I had made…

Of the “future art” I was supposed to be making, as seen in my dream…

And the images on the right are of the art made with sound waves…

That I discovered in this book by an Austrian Doctor…

Five years later. I was stunned.

And suddenly I knew: I was supposed to be making art with sound waves - not brushes!

Okay…now I know we have gotten deep into my life, and what happened for me when I finally followed the signs and messages I was given (what I now call “The Code”) about my future…

But there is a reason I am telling you all this. You see, there are many ways to see the future - not just one.

In fact, the way that I experienced “seeing ahead” was one of the most difficult and in-efficient ways to go about it!

There are FAR easier, and more reliable ways to look ahead in time and get The Code to your future -

For example, by reading the Stars!

That’s right - there are people who can actually read the future and get your Future Code FOR you, so you don’t have to go through the pain and uncertainty I did…

Doubting what I was seeing, trying to understand the mysterious signs and messages that came through random dreams and visions…

Because these people can look ahead into your future using a very specific and accurate set of formulas and facts, to see what YOUR destiny holds…

And they can simply hand you the keys to your future, written up in a 250 page book that’s all about YOU…

But I’m getting ahead of myself here.

First, I want to make clear why it’s so important for you to get your hands on the book that holds your Future Code, and the sorts of things that can happen when you are actually able to “see ahead” and follow the signs, like a map leading into the life you’ve always dreamed of…

Looking back in time to how knowing how to access The Future Code affected my own life, a LOT happened for me very quickly after I discovered the key to my dreams inside that book in my local library…amazing things.

However, I will make a long story short and just tell you this:

Because I trusted in that dream, and was willing to follow the “clues” I’d been given to what my future career would be…

Because I followed the “Future Code” I’d been given in my vision (even through my doubts) - today I can say that over the past 10 years:
  • I became famous for my work in the field of Sound Wave Art
  • ​My work was featured in a TV show with National Geographic
  • ​I became a millionaire and lived in my dream home
  • ​I am now one of the top experts in my field worldwide
  • ​I was honored with a 10 year “Contribution to the Field” for my work
  • ​And, I’ve raised two beautiful children while doing all this with my art
  • ​Needless to say, ALL this was beyond my wildest dreams! 
Before I saw the vision of the way ahead…before I was given the “clues” to follow that led me to my dream of being a famous artist (while being a mom)...

I was totally lost. I thought I was failing at everything. I thought there was nothing ahead for me.

All that changed for me. In the space of 24 hours.

Now. Here’s where my story ends…and yours begins.

Because even though it may seem like I’m bragging - I’m not - I’m just incredibly happy...for YOU! Here’s why.

Because right now, at this very moment in time…

Your ‘Future Codes’ Are Now Within Your Reach…Only At The Touch Of A Button! 

As you read the story above, did you find yourself wondering how on Earth you could do something like that yourself?

Were you wishing you could somehow “magically” see the future as it lies ahead of you now…

So you, too, could see the opportunities that lie ahead…the challenges to avoid or prepare for…and make the choices that will bring you:
…Instead of stumbling ahead blindly, hoping for the best…or worse, missing out on the signposts that will lead you to the life you were SUPPOSED to be living all this time?

Here’s why I am so excited for you today.

Because YOU don’t have to wait to see if you get “struck” by some kind of dream sequence that shows you the path ahead…

And neither do you have to go study with a Siberian Shaman Lady (wearing a wolf mask and swigging Vodka)...

And, you don’t have to struggle with the uncertainty and fear I did when I was first learning how to “see” ahead and make sense of what I was seeing, frightened and all alone…

Because YOU have the chance to have real, live seers, channelers, and astrologers look into the future FOR you, and tell you (in clear, astounding detail) exactly what to look for, and what lies ahead…

These “modern shamans” will ask you for a few simple details about your past life (for example, the day and time of your birth) and once they have that…

They will channel your Future Code for you directly into a book that will be created for you, and you alone…

This one-of-a-kind book will show you everything that lies ahead for you for the coming year…in stunning detail…without all the confusion and struggle I went through!


The Future Code: Your Personal Key To Seeing (And Understanding) What’s About To Happen For You In The Next 365 Days…

(*INCLUDES Amazing FREE BONUS Intention Planner If You Can Order Today!)

Let’s face it...no matter what, with everything that’s been going on, the coming year is going to be challenging (as well as exciting) for you.

There is just so much uncertainty (and opportunity) in the world right now.

But what if you could see what was going to happen, ahead of time?

What if you had your own personal “map” showing you the bridges, signposts, and pitfalls to watch out for…

And most importantly, WHO you are meant to be, and WHAT you are meant to be doing, to step into the destiny that’s just waiting for you…

A destiny that was laid out for you on the day you were born!

This is the kind of clarity and certainly I would wish for you to have - just like I did - and BUT the problem is, HOW?

Most people are not going to be just hit with clear, annotated visions out of the blue (fortunately for them, right? ;-)

This is where my friends Ric & Liz come in.

They have been working for years with a hand-picked group of Master Seers, Channelers, and Astrologers, who are able to look, not just into their own lives to see what lies ahead…

But they are able to look into OTHER people’s lives as well, and, using a very specific “Code” utilizing a very specific combination of birth dates, planets, numbers, and other ancient arts passed down to them from Shamans and Seers from thousands of years ago…

They can actually “see” what lies ahead for you, and write it all down in a single, easy-to-read book that outlines everything, from this day going forward, using the formula they have developed in secret.

Here’s what they’ve created for you to be included inside The Future Code: Your Personal Pathfinder Package
ELEMENT #1: THE FUTURE CODE: Your Personal Look Ahead At The Coming Year
The Future Code contains 250+ pages all about YOU and your personal destiny, which you are about to see come to pass in the next 365 days.

Completely personalized to you, based on your star charts, and the exact time of your birth this custom guidebook includes things to watch out for: signs, events, and gifts coming up for you that will guide you to the best version of your life - as well as things to avoid as you walk forward into this coming very important year.
ELEMENT #2: Awaken Your Inner Shaman: A Magic Activation Ritual
This ritual meditation was specially recorded by our personal channeler to be used with a candle ritual (see below) to “awaken your Inner Shaman.” This means that, in addition to being able to get your Future Code done by professional Readers, you can also learn to tap into the ability to “look into the future” yourself, using techniques from ancient Shamanic traditions.  
Interesting Fact: Their predictions were so accurate, Roman Astrologers were banned from casting the Emperor’s horoscope - because knowing his chart could give a political advantage to his enemies!
PLEASE NOTE: The Abundance Alchemy Ritual will be automatically included in every order we receive while this offer is still available, but we have made the candle optional, to make it easy for you to afford even if you’re on a budget!

PLUS: For Every Order Placed Today, We Will Include…

A Sacred Meditation Candle to use with your Shaman Ritual! These candles are designed, energized, and “finished” for you to use specifically for this purpose. They are made using all-natural essential oils, genuine gemstones and crystals, and sacred herbs to amplify the power of your meditations.
SPECIAL NOTE: If you order the DELUXE version of the package below today, we will ship your candle off to you with absolutely FREE SHIPPING!!!
AND THIS FREE GIFT WILL BE INCLUDED IN EVERY PACKAGE ORDERED TODAY: Your Monthly Ritual & Intention Planner (PLUS, you'll received the 2024 planner as soon as it's complete!)
Make sure you take note of what’s coming up and your plan to make the best of your predictions for with this Monthly Planner. Includes Moon Magic & Seasonal Rituals to manifest your best year ever!
So… Okay,” you may be wondering… “Sounds amazing, but if The Future Code Package is everything it seems, and is truly personalized to me and my life by Master Seers and Astrologers - it must be super expensive.”

Normally Ric and Liz charge $197 for this sort of detailed personalized reading, but…

Here’s Why We’re Giving You The Opportunity To Own Your Own Copy Of THE FUTURE CODE At An Incredibly Low Price ...

We Have Arranged For A Certain Number Of These Future Code Packages To Be Put Together For Under $50, But Only For Those Who Ask For Their Future To Be Read Today

We don’t want you to remain in the dark for the next year.

You deserve to know what’s coming up for you, and to be able to step into your best life (and avoid the hidden pitfalls) without cost being an issue.

So, we pledge to send a custom copy of The Future Code: Your Personal Pathfinder Package to everyone who speaks up and presses the button below today for the incredibly low price of $47 (Including your FREE Personal Planner!)

But please don’t wait till tomorrow to decide. We don’t know how long our ability to get these Future Codes made by our specially trained seers, channelers and astrologers will last.

Remember if you order today, we will also include one amazing Free Monthly Intention Planner (PLUS Free Shipping For Your Ritual Candle if it’s included in your choice)!

So don’t wait another minute - just press the button on the package of your preference below - and we will get your order in immediately!...

Future Code Basic

Includes Your Personal Future Code Book, Meditation & Planner (no Candle)


Future Code Deluxe

Includes Your Personal Future Code Book, Meditation & Planner (With Candle)


We want everyone who needs to know what’s coming up for them this year to be able to easily and affordably have access to this extremely powerful and accurate set of “tools” that will help you see into the future so that you can live your very best life this year…

So, that’s why we found a way to bring this package to you today, at an incredibly low price for everything (plus FREE shipping). It’s pretty much the easiest decision you’ll probably make today! ;-)

Thank you for reading my letter to you today! I can’t wait to hear how this impacts your life - it will give you an immediate sense of both security and excitement about what’s coming up for you this year!

Elizabeth Ashbury

Liz & Ric Thompson
Founders, Cosmic Vibes

P.S. Just to be perfectly clear, this is a huge turning point for you. Right at this very moment…it’s all within your reach…

Path A: You can choose to see your way forward clearly…step into your true power and abundance, and be fully certain, sure in your path and confident about the direction your life is going…

…OR, Path B: you can choose to remain in the dark, and stumble blindly into the future that awaits you, like most people do. The choice is yours…

Please don’t pass up this chance to see the future (AND take control of your life) today. Press the button of your choice below…

Future Code Basic

Includes Your Personal Future Code Book, Meditation & Planner (no Candle)


Future Code Deluxe

Includes Your Personal Future Code Book, Meditation & Planner (With Candle)


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